Useful Links & Resources

Please dial 999 in a life threatening emergency e.g. if you have already taken an overdose or cut yourself badly. You can also contact your GP or visit your local A&E as appropriate.

Crisis mental health team Bracknell  (01344) 823333

The Samaritans: 116 123

For child safeguarding:
Tel: 01344 352020 (day)
Emergency Duty Team (all other times 24x7x365) Tel: 01344 786543

For Addictions (e.g. alcohol/substances)

Always contact a GP and seek support first if you are contemplating coming off dependent substances.

New Hope (Drug and Alcohol Action Team) Bracknell Alcohol & Substance support:
T: 01344 312360

Frank (helpline, information)
Text: 82111
T: 0300 123 6600

Narcotics Anonymous – Tel: 0300 999 1212

Alcoholics Anonymous – Tel: 0845 769 7555

Do you have a drink problem? Self evaluation of a drinking issue

Private Recovery services

Cardinal Clinic


Psychosexual Resources

A Woman’s Guide to Overcoming Sexual Fear and Pain. Aurelie Jones GoodwinMarc E. Agronin

Please contact us directly for referral to an inappropriate sexual behaviour service